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Everdrive 64 X7 Firmware (OS)

[   ] OS-V3.01.zip 2019-10-03 00:03  277K

[   ] OS-V3.02.zip 2019-10-10 18:52 277K

[   ] OS-V3.03.zip 2020-06-13 14:12 277K

[   ] OS-V3.04.zip 2020-09-10 23:32 438K

[   ] OS-V3.05.zip 2020-09-21 15:27 436K

[   ] OS-V3.06.zip 2021-07-09 14:47 440K

[   ] OS-V3.07.zip 2022-07-17 03:06 1.0M

[   ] OS-V3.08.zip 2024-03-08 03:07 1.0M



!!!We recommend backup your ED64 folder before than copy OS update!!!

OS-V3.08 08.03.2024
1) Fix for ROMs where file size not aligned to 4
2) Animal Forest fix for MPAL systems
3) Skip crc checks for Pokemon Stadium Rev B
4) System folder hidden in file browser. Access to the folder via main menu
5) Removed Random Game menu


OS-V3.07 17.07.2022
1) Accurate fpga based NES core instead of old Neon emulator*
2) Included GB/GBC emulators from 
3) ED64 V3.x/V2.x is no longer supported. OS v2.x is recommended for such carts
4) Cheats engine update
5) Folders structure changed**
6) Menu has delete function for empty folders
7) Long rom id support in save_db.txt***
8) RTC can be mixed wit eeprom saves (for homebrew)
9) Improved recently played menu
10) Rom Config menu. Set specific save/rtc/region setting for certain rom
11) Minor fixes and files transfer function for usb (use updated usb64-v1.0.0.3)

*Hit L+R to switch off/on image stretching in nes games
Unstretched image likely will looks better for hd-modded systems

**To restore all yours old saves and cheats copy all files from ED64/cheats and ED64/save to ED64/gamedata

***Along with short 2-symbols rom id, system supports long id (3 to 6 symbols). Both shown in Rom Info menu
It not necessary for long id specify all 6 symbols in save_db.txt, only 4 symbols can be used
if identificator shouldn't point to the specific rom version (last two symbols)

OS-V3.06 09.07.2021
1) Fixed video settings for M-PAL systems
2) N64-Game-ID / Per Game Settings for N64Digital
3) save_db.txt update

OS-V3.05 21.09.2020
1) Fixed broken SRAM saves for v3/v2.5
2) Fixed Neon-beta crashes
3) Neon updated to version 2.0 beta 1
4) Support for save type selection for emulators via save_db.txt
5) Games loaded via usb now can have own save file (usb64 v1.0.0.1 required)
6) Emulator games can be loaded via usb (usb64 v1.0.0.1 required)

OS-V3.04 10.09.2020
1) Saves management changes*
2) Included supports for EverDrive-V3 and V2.5
3) save_db.txt supports settings for RTC and game region. Description inside of file
4) Deleting files via cartridge menu
5) System files structure changed
6) OS will automatically boot autoexec.v64 if such file found in ED64 folder
7) Fixed problem with Densha de Go! translation
8) Compatibility for Conker BFD and Perfect Dark encrypted prototypes

*System will move save data from battery ram to SD card every time when cartridge boots to menu (instead of moving when game changed).
It makes save system more clear and prevent lost of data for last played game if battery dry out.

OS-V3.03 13.06.2020
1) SDRAM controller improvement

OS-V3.02 11.10.2019
1) Just another fix for "battery run dry" false alert

OS-V3.01 03.10.2019
1) Fixed false "battery run dry" alert
2) Reduced I2C bus speed to make it stable. (eeprom and RTC bus).

1) Initial release. Not available due possibility of destruction statistics data stored in eeprom.