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Turbo Everdrive PRO Firmware (OS)

[   ] turbotheme- 


[   ] edturbo-fw-v1.00.efu 2023-02-14 13:48
[   ] edturbo-fw-v1.01.efu 2023-03-08 18:42
[   ] edturbo-fw-v1.02.efu 2023-03-28 16:25
[   ] edturbo-fw-v1.03.efu 2023-04-03 03:11
[   ] edturbo-fw-v1.04.efu 2023-04-11 19:54
[   ] edturbo-fw-v1.05.efu 2024-03-06 17:14
[   ] edturbo-fw-v1.06.efu 2024-03-11 00:50
[   ] recovery-fw.zip 2023-04-12 14:44
[   ] turbo-ed-pro-manual.pdf 2024-03-06 17:19


edturbo-fw-v1.06 10.03.2024
1) Fixed problem with recording to SD card while playing CD games


edturbo-fw-v1.05 06.03.2024
1) Fixed CDDA glitches with some SD cards
2) Fixes for ADPCM audio
3) Changes in CD seek time calculations
4) Increased cue parser buffer size (fixes cue parser error for some cd images)
5) Filling memory with zeros at 0x2200-0x2300. Some hacks require it by some reasons
6) Sprite table initialization. For homebrew application which skips initialization
7) Fixed In-Game menu bug when Quick Save/Load combos turned off
8) Included audio preset for Analogue Duo
9) Game Data menu. Jumps right to the saves/config folder of the selected rom


edturbo-fw-v1.04 11.04.2023
1) Doraemon fix
2) Memory corruption fix
3) Fixed drop out to the cart menu in some games. Flash Hiders one of them
4) "Special symbols" error fix
5) Fixes for US super system card
6) SD lag test included to the system diagnostics
7) Cue parser fix (cd audio sync problems)


edturbo-fw-v1.03 03.04.2023
1) Arcade card fix
2) Palette initialization


edturbo-fw-v1.02 28.03.2023
1) Save states improvements
2) Memory timings optimization


edturbo-fw-v1.01 08.03.2023
1) Compatibility fixes
2) EDFX booster detection using expansion port pin B2